1.1   What is the Voyager FAQ?

   A  FAQ  is  a  list of "Frequently Asked Questions" and typically, their
answers.   This  FAQ is dedicated to the Voyager Browser for the Amiga line
of  computers,  written  by  Oliver  Wagner  of  Vapor,  Inc.  Voyager is a
shareware product.

   The  FAQ  was  created  because  the authors noticed a growing number of
questions in the Voyager Mailing List dealt with the same subjects over and
over  again.   To reduce this, and to provide users who are not part of the
mailing list with some answers, the FAQ was created.

   Most  of  the  information  in  this  FAQ comes either directly from the
experience of the authors or from postings in the mailing list.

   For more information on the Voyager mailing list, see Section 5.0.